Climate Resilience and Energy

Climate Resilience and Energy
SCG has demonstrated its commitment to take climate action. In the latest development, SCG joins the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi), established by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to promote and conduct validation of emissions cut by entities with professed near and long term target using science base approach to keep global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement.
Near Term Target has been validated by SBTi.
SCG commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 25% by 2030 from a 2020 base year*. SCG also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from the use of sold fossil fuels 25% by 2031 from 2021 base year.
*The target boundary includes biogenic emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.

These new and more ambitious targets challenge SCG to step up innovation and adoption of energy transition technology, in tandem with collaboration with supplier to reduce GHG scope 3.
SCG GHG Roadmap Towards 2050

Low Carbon Product
By Innovating the products/process with circular economy principal & low carbon in value chain
Energy Efficiency & Transition
By using good enough technologies with energy efficiency & applying energy conservation
Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS)
By collaboration with national and global to scale up Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage technology
Natural Climate Solution (NCS)
By collaboration with communities to forestation & rehabilitation on carbon sink
Key Levers • Low Carbon Product • Energy Conservation • Energy Transition • Natural Climate Solution | Key Levers • Low Carbon Product • Energy Conservation • Energy Transition • Natural Climate Solution • Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) |
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Climate change issue is one of top 3 of SCG materiality. SCG has integrated TCFD into business strategy since 2019. SCG has reviewed TCFD elements across existing structures and performances, such as governance structure, sustainable development strategy, risk management and target related KPI. SCG also identifies, assesses and manages climate-related risks.
SCG has integrated climate change and related issues, including TCDF, in SCG managing structures from top management to operations business; The Board of Directors, President & CEO, SCG Sustainable Development Committee (SDC), SCG Climate Change & Energy Committee, SCG Risk Management Committee, and business units.
- Board will decide the company direction including overall climate change strategy and cascade to management team leading by President & CEO
- President & CEO leads ambition all business units to net zero by setting short term, medium term and long term plan to align with Paris Agreement and countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). President & CEO supports investments and economic instruments; Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) to encourage environmental investment projects.
- SCG SDC provides global trends, ESG, SD framework, networking, such as WBCSD, UNGC, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, GCCA and monitoring all SCG performances related to climate change & TCFD.
- SCG Climate Change & Energy Committee is responsible to climate change and energy issues, set up climate strategy, net zero pathway, transition risk, physical risk and adaptation plan, R&D GHG reduction, collaborating with global and local networks for new technologies such as CCU/S, Energy storage, Hydrogen energy sources.
- SCG Risk Management Committee creates risk culture, risk scenario which potential impacts to SCG.
SCG conducted scenario analysis embed in strategic business planning which is in line with enterprise risk management framework to assess materiality of climate-related risks and opportunities in term of both business and externality impacts. SCG Climate Change and Energy Committee is responsible to set up and propose to president & CEO and board of directors. SCG foresees both climate-related risks and opportunities over the near term (2030), medium term (2040) and long term (2050).
- Growth in renewable energy.
- Reduction in fossil fuel consumption.
- Improve or modify process and equipment to enhance energy efficiency.
- Increased market demand for low-carbon products.
- Research and development (R&D) of technology to accelerate GHG mitigation, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage to achieve Net Zero in 2050.
- Restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems as carbon sinks.
- Awareness raising on energy conservation and climate resilience among employees and contractors.
- Implement Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) at 25 USD/ton CO2 for investment, which reduce GHG scope 1 and 2.
- Changes in policies, rules, regulations, and requirement to expedite decarbonization.
SCG has set up process to identify, assess both transition risks and physical risks. SCG can see the risks and opportunities,
- Risks such as regulation change, trade barrier, water flooding, water scarcity, customer’s environmental needs, and stakeholder expectations.
- Opportunities such as new green technologies, new low carbon products such as low clinker cement content, new low carbon investments and businesses such as solar, biomass power plant, energy storage.
Risk Management
SCG has implement process to identify, assess and manage climate-related issues; physical risks, transition risks and adaptation plan as existing, medium term and long term. SCG has risk assessment system to all operation sites to evaluate all risks including climate change such as water flooding, water scarcity. This system is required to review at least quarterly or any significant changes.
Metrics and Targets
SCG has disclosed GHG scope 1&2 and 3 emissions annually in SCG Sustainability Report and on SCG website.
- Net Zero GHG Emission by 2050 (scope 1&2)
- By 2030, reduce GHG scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% from 2020 base year.
- By 2031, reduce GHG scope 3 emissions from the use of sold fossil fuels by 25% from 2021 base year.
- By 2025, reduce Energy Consumption by 13% compared with business as usual (BAU) from the base year of 2007.
2023 Performance (Metric)
- GHG Scope 1&2 emissions reduction by 20.91% compared with the base year of 2020
- GHG Scope 3 emissions from the use of sold fossil fuels by 23.24% compared with the base year of 2021
- Energy consumption reduction by 7.28% compared with BAU from the base year of 2007
- Portion of Alternative Fuels by 24.46%
Green Logistics
SCGJWD have Green Strategy for logistics sustainability towards customer, community and transportation contractors. We apply as core principle Backhaul Logistics Operation to manage rounds of freight trucks, and reducing running on empty trip, while using Multi-Modal logistics to manage big lot haulage to improve efficiency.
SCGJWD commits Net Zero by 2050. Green Logistics Program for GHG Reduction, such as
- EV Truck: Replaced diesel truck with EV truck, reduce fossil fuel for transportation by 20,000 liters per month or 210,000 liters per year
- EV Forklift and Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS): Replaced diesel forklift with EV Forklift and using technology for products storage automatically
- Fleet Utilization Management Program: All transportation vehicles are equipped with GPS and use a software system to calculate transportation routes. To get the most effective distance and reduce fossil fuel in transportation.
- Solar Rooftop: use electricity from renewable energy in the warehouse to reduce GHG emissions
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