SCG’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals serve as a blueprint that all sectors must strive for in order to achieve peace and ensure the prosperity of humanity and the world, both at present and in the future.

SCG strives to generate economic growth alongside the conservation of natural resources and the environment as it believes that the business sector plays a critical role in driving society as a whole towards achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To prioritize SDG, SCG analyzes its activities across the value chain, taking into consideration positive and negative impacts of its operations on people and the environment, as well as business drivers, materiality issues, and its business strategies. The SDGs are also assessed in relation to SCG’s operational targets and business capabilities so to accelerate the achievement of such goals and maximize positive economic, social, and environmental impact.

Key Sustainable Development Goals for Business

Good Health and Well-Being Promote good health and safety in the workplace by continuously implementing risk control measures and cultivating safety habits and a total safety culture. The goal is to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all.
Affordable and Clean Energy Promote and increase the use of alternative fuel and enhancing energy efficiency through the best available technology, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and increasing the use of alternative energy.
Decent Work and Economic Growth Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with emphasis placed on decent, equitable, fair, and productive employment.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Put a premium on applying innovation and technology to elevate operations, enhance long-term competitiveness, and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
Responsible Consumption and Production Apply the principles of circular economy to business operations to enhance resource efficiency, decrease risks of resource shortages in the future, and minimize environmental impacts.
Climate Action Pledge to adapt, take action across various dimensions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and join forces with all sectors to enhance society and communities’ adaptability and capabilities to combat climate change and its potential impacts.

Key Sustainable Development Goals for Better World

Reduced Inequalities Place emphasis on leveraging capabilities to solve inequalities and increase opportunities for education, employment, and access to healthcare for people.
Sustainable Cities and Communities Strive to make cities and communities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Life Below Water Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources to prevent and reduce marine pollution as well as the impact of climate change.
Life on Land Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems to protect and restore ecological balance and halt biodiversity loss.
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Focus on creating a peaceful and inclusive society, which is a cornerstone for sustainable development.
Partnerships for the Goals Seek to strengthen collaboration for the implementation of sustainable development.



GHG Scope 1 & 2 Emissions Reduction by 25% by 2030 compared with the base year of 2020 Net Zero emission by 2050
Water Withdrawal Reduction by 23% by 2025 compared with BAU at the base year of 2014
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste to Landfill to Zero every year
Dust Emissions Reduction by 8% by 2025 compared with BAU at base year of 2020
Use of recycled and reusable materials 8 million tons by 2025
SCGP packaging are recyclable, reusable, or compostable 100% by 2025
Tree Plantation 3 million rais by 2050 to capture GHG and restore ecological balance


Zero Fatality work-related injury of employees and contractors from Workplace
27% Female in all management positions by 2025
Zero Human rights violation case
Reduce social inequalities for 50,000 persons by 2030
Zero Lost time injury frequency rate of employees and contractors
Zero Fatality work-related injury of employees and contractors from Travelling and Transportation

Governance and Economic

Revenue from sales of SCG Green Choice products, services, and solutions 66.7% by 2030 compared to the total revenue from sales
Sales volume 1,000,000 tons/year by 2030
Suppliers being conducted ESG risk assessments 100% of suppliers with procurement spending over million baht
Ethics e-Testing learned and passed by employees 100%