Partnership and Collaboration Towards Sustainability
SCG is fully aware that crisis gripping the whole world ranging from climate change, waste management, biodiversity loss, nature resource crunch, health and quality of life, cannot be resolved by any single entity on its own. That is why SCG has consistently reached out to forge partnership and collaboration with stakeholders in the public sector, businesses and civil society, to join up efforts, to do business equitably with economic, social and environmental considerations, because at the heart of these all is sustainability.

SCG ESG Pathway to realize Low Carbon Tourism practice.
Start Together, For Us, For the World.
SCG hosted the “SCG ESG Pathway: Start Together, For Us, For the World” in December 2021 to announce its commitment to drive business on the ESG pathway (Environmental, Social and Governance). The Forum brought together distinguished speakers and practitioners to share knowledge and experience on steering businesses along the ESG course. The event was live cast via SCG’s online platforms, with contents helping to inspire, motivate and shed light on sustainability in business among broad audiences.
SCG itself is committed to lead private sector’s effort to build and strengthen public-private-civic partnership and collaboration in materializing the ESG pathway.

SCG is a member of Circular Economy in Construction Industry (CECI) whose vision is to “enhance sustainability of construction industry by applying principles of circular economy and increase the ability to optimize resource for better living and social contribution.” In 2021, CECI membership expanded from 21 to 23 organizations. All the while, SCG remains committed to expanding the partnership while propositioning its circularity-innovations such as Pile Waste Solution Project in which concrete pile waste is crushed and recycled as concrete substitute used in pavement, parking lot and concrete sheets. In 2021, we counted 10 building construction projects by 5 developers pooling together over 2,854 tons of pile waste, which is equivalent to 283 tons of GHG reduction. Other building materials waste has been recovered and reused as substitute of virgin materials in cement production. We intend to keep growing this partnership.

SCG is a founding member of Alliances to End Plastic Wastes (AEPW) which came into being since 2020 to reduce and eliminate spill of plastic materials onto sea and environment. SCG is among 60 leading global companies that contribute the technical experience and knowledge, and resources to this end, focusing on the following four aspects: 1.) Infrastructure for proper waste management, 2.) Innovation focusing on waste-to-value approach with tech and business model, 3.) Education, raising awareness on proper waste management and 4.) Clean-up waste in waterways. SCG participates in project developments in Thailand,
Vietnam, Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia.

SCG has worked with The Ocean Cleanup (TOC), a non-profit organization developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. headquartered in the Netherlands and Department of
Coastal Resources to intercept and trap plastic waste before they spill into the sea. InterceptorTM is the solution. Using AI, it segregates waste types in waterways to collect data of waste volume. It is due to installed in major rivers in Thailand, piloted at Chao Phraya River. SCG actively supports public-business-civic collaboration to plan and address problems promptly and appropriately.

In absence of database on plastic waste in Thailand, the Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Plastic
and Waste Management –PPP Plastics in which SCG is a founding member collaborates with UN Environment Program (UNEP) and the Plastics Institute of Thailand, Chulalongkorn University initiated a project on data collection, research and analysis of volume and types of waste dumped into Thailand’s five main rivers namely: Chao Phraya, Bangpakong, Tachin, Phetchaburi and Meklong. The database
tracks properly-managed waste volume and spillage, and will be analyzed according to the approach of Japan’s Plastic Waste Management Institute, in combination with baseline data of Water Resources Department and Pollution Control Department. Outcome of the study will inform plastic and waste
management in Thailand in the future.

SCG has joined a public-private partnership to develop circular economy standards. Several projects
are in progress, such as with the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), Ministry of Industry on CE standards for industrial goods. SCG collaborates with the Eco-Label Technical Sub-Committee
to develop green packaging for plastic packaging to promote packaging that contains recycled materials of waste from production; on mono-material that can be recycled, packaging from bio-based material that is biodegradable, and precursor material from chemical recycling.

SCG partners with the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, and Office of Basic Education
Commission to scale up the “Upcycling Milk Pouches” Project from a pilot project in Rayong and
Suphanburi to cover a total of 1,300 schools in 15 provinces in the central region. Under the project,
school children are encouraged to collect and turn in milk pouches for recycling under the slogan
“changing behavior of new generation to optimize resource, segregate waste at source, and recycle.”
Primary Education Area Offices and Regional Environment Offices of participating provinces join to set up 38 aggregation points, with SCG supporting “KoomKah” application to establish garbage bank to collect milk pouches for SCG to recycle as pellets to make plasticware such as desk, chair, plant pot. These items are distributed back to schools proportionate to their milk pouches contribution. This is deemed an effective collaborative partnership between the public, private and civic sectors, notably involving teachers and pupils nationwide.

SCG and new generation entrepreneurs, Thai Chamber of Commerce organized a training on “Krabi Livable Green City” collaborating with Krabi Provincial Chamber of Commerce; and
“Amphawa CE Model in Tourism” with Samutsongkram Chamber of Commerce to promote sustainable tourism the circular- way involving stakeholders in the whole tourism value chain including hotels, resorts, restaurant, community-based tourism operators, community, travel agents, shops, local government bodies. One of the key missions is to raise awareness on proper waste management, optimization of
resource use, and to organize activities SCG ESG Pathway to realize Low Carbon Tourism practice.